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permutation and combination ca foundation module questions exercise 5 (A)

                     permutation and combination

the fundamental principle of counting there are two types of principle.
  1. multiplicative rule.
  2. addition rule.

multiplication rule
if a certain thing is done with'M' different ways and a second thing has done in 'N' ways the total no of ways is m*n.

how many numbers can be formed using the digit 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 if repetition is allowed and if not allowed?
let us assume make a three-digit number.

if repetition is not allowed.

if repetition is not allowed.

addition rule is denoted by or/and.


the factorial is denoted by [ ! ]

         module important questions exercise 5 (A)

permutation and combination ca foundation module questions exercise 5 (A) Reviewed by CA Foundation on March 01, 2020 Rating: 5

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